Katel Home is LIVE!

Katel Home Is Live!

The day has finally arrived!  After more than a year of research and travel to find the perfect artisans to partner with, we are thrilled to announce the successful launch of our new ecommerce store, Katel Home! Katel Home was created out of my love for interior design along with my passion for traveling and exploring new places. My original inspiration came after a trip my husband and I took to Morocco a few years back, We met some of the most inspirational people, not only talented artisans but business owners that were doing great things for the women in their communities. We met with a rug shop owner in Fez who wanted to make an impact in his small village by hiring only widow weavers and paying them a fair living wage to feed to their families. Many of the women in Morocco have no money to support themselves and are left with nothing when their husbands pass away, in this strictly muslim country. Hiring these women to provide for themselves and their families seemed like such a great way to give back, and from that idea I thought, I needed to find a way to incorporate some of these amazing stories into a store of my own,  After that Katel grew from there and will continue to grow into something really great with more support! I'm so thrilled to show all the ways we can take handmade home accessories made from incredible stories and immensely talented people from all over the world, and incorporate that with beautiful design for the everyday home. Keep shopping and following us as we'll be adding more and more products as we go. We'll see how far it takes us! 

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