Meet The Artisan : Injiri Textiles

Meet The Artisan : Injiri Textiles

Founder of Injiri; Chinar Farooqui has never believed in popular practices of fickle trend cycles. Rooted in rural India, her design narrative picks hints from traditional practices while engaging in a dialogue with the contemporary world.

Owing to her father’s transferable job she got to travel through rural Rajasthan, understanding the local techniques which enriched her eclectic design vocabulary. Coming from a fine arts background from MSU Baroda, she belonged to a conservative school of thought, where the terms ‘fashion’ and ‘art’ were explored in a subjective way. Chinar attained a sense of clarity at National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad (NID) and developed a deep interest in textile research and the stories related to cloth and dress. “As a child, I have grown up in rural Rajasthan where many communities carry on their traditional ways of dressing. It has been since then that I was drawn to the aesthetics of the rural folk. It was as though I had a deep connection with folk sensibilities; at NID I realized this yearning”, she explains. Past a few semesters, she realized the number of possibilities the world of design had to offer and this led to the launch of ‘Injiri’ in 2009. 


Over the years Chinar’s work has evolved. While exploring simplicity and comfort, Injiri as a label focuses on design driven by process – the process of how the cloth was made. And in a market dominated by machine-made perfection, this approach has helped her make a mark. “The process leaves its memory on the final product and that’s what people can relate to as Injiri”, Chinar says. 





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